
is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 82,927,922 habitants. The capital of Germany is Berlin.
Members: 62,605 (Browse all)
Sent: 13,392,959 postcards
Received: 13,408,824 postcards
Ranking: 1st (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Germany

Most active members

1. Willi, Germany Postcrossing Supporter Willi
38,496 postcards sent
2. klausdiemaus, Germany klausdiemaus
35,639 postcards sent
3. Nordbaer, Germany Postcrossing Supporter Nordbaer
33,420 postcards sent
4. Antje321, Germany Antje321
30,033 postcards sent
5. rosenbusch, Germany Postcrossing Supporter rosenbusch
28,468 postcards sent
6. uttia4a, Germany Postcrossing Supporter uttia4a
27,463 postcards sent
7. hepman, Germany hepman
25,153 postcards sent
8. elfie-luna, Germany elfie-luna
21,825 postcards sent
9. Rehus, Germany Rehus
21,658 postcards sent
10. elbe, Germany Postcrossing Supporter elbe
21,485 postcards sent

Random members

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